Last updated on October 31st, 2020 at 06:41 am.
This video is taken from the full course that will teach you HTML, CSS, Programming concepts and Javascript .
Video Transcript:
Hi, and welcome back.
In the last part, we said that JavaScript is a high-level, dynamic, untyped, interpreted, multi-paradigm, functional programming language.
So what does it mean, ‘dynamic’.
This means that it can add things at runtime.
So it can manipulate and be manipulated at runtime.
There are certain programming languages, once it is written, you can’t add anything once it has been compiled.
So JavaScript is not like that.
It is dynamic.
You can add things.
It can manipulate things at runtime.
Then, ‘untyped’.
Untyped basically means that JavaScript doesn’t care much for types.
So types in programming are things like, a good example let’s say C++, if you have to define a variable, it has to be defined using types.
For example integer.
So you’ll say int x; to show that that’s an integer.
If it is a ‘float’ number, a number with the decimal point, it has to be declared as a ‘float’.
So basically, JavaScript doesn’t really care much for types.
There are a few data types in JavaScript, but they’re not as strict as other programming languages like Java and C++.
So if you ever hear anything about type, this basically refers to data types.
So it is about data type, so it is types of data.
So integers, floats, strings, booleans.
So that’s basically what it means, it is untyped.
You don’t have to declare a variable with a type.
And then it is ‘high-level’.
So high-level, high-level means that it is obstructed from the computer details.
As a user you’ll just write basic JavaScript code.
There’s a lot of obstruction from the computer details.
So we don’t have to see the byte codes and the zeroes and the ones.
That’s basically what it means as a high-level programming language.
So it is interpreted.
This means that you don’t need to compile the code.
So you’ll just write it and run it.
So you can just write and run it without having to compile it.
Languages like Java, C++, you have to compile them.
Before the application you made can be run, it has to be compiled.
For JavaScript, you just write it and you run it on the browser.
So that means it’s an interpreted language.
And then it’s a ‘functional’, functional programming.
So the easiest way I can think of this is, it’s basically defined into functions.
So grouping things.
Most of the, most of the implementations you do in JavaScript will be based on functions.
So grouping different related kinds of codes.
So that’s functional programming, or similar to what is called ‘subroutines’ in C whereby code is, code is grouped based on what they do.
So one function does something, another function does something.
So it’s a functional programming language.
And then ‘multi-paradigm’.
Multi-Paradigm basically means that however you think you can implement something, that’s how you will do it.
There are no rules.
There are no clearly defined ways or specific ways of doing things.
Solve it anyway you like.
That’s multi-paradigm JavaScript.
So JavaScript is not picky.
I hope you have a basic understanding of what all these are by now.
If you don’t, you can take any course online that deals with programming and you will get a better understanding of most of these concepts.
So I will see you in the next video.
This section is from Learn Javascript from Scratch.
Learn Javascript from Scratch
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