What is DigitalOcean?

Last updated on May 5th, 2023 at 11:46 am.

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1. Introduction

Digitalocean (DO) is a cloud hosting provider offering various cloud computing solutions such as VMs, managed DB (DBaas), Kubernetes and more. DO provides a wide range of services such as:

  • storage,
  • networking,
  • Cloud computing servers/ virtual machines,
  • Managed services such as DB, Kubernetes etc

These services help businesses or/and individuals scale and manage their workloads.

Digitalocean is a great choice for those who want to avoid managing their own server infrastructure or data center. It is also a good choice for anyone who wants to focus on their business and leave the server infrastructure management to someone else.

This article provides a comprehensive guide to DigitalOcean, its features, and its benefits.

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2: Deploy

Digitalocean allows users to deploy, manage, and scale applications on virtual machines(VMs). For instance, if you need to host WordPress, you can deploy one of the one click WordPress installs readily available on Digital Ocean.

After, before or during deployment of your app you can use services, such as:

* Private networking

* Automated application deployment for select apps and frameworks

* Managed Databases (MySQL, Postgres, Redis, Mongo)

* Load balancing services

* Server monitoring

You can deploy a Kubernetes cluster, an app via the App platform and other services such as managed databases.


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3. The advantages of using DigitalOcean

Here are some of the pros of using Digitalocean:

1. Easy to use dashboard: The Dashboard is intuitive, even for a beginner. Everything is grouped. For instance, if you need to deploy a VM, just go under droplets. If you need to deploy a Kubernetes cluster, just go under Kubernetes. It is easy to use.

2. Cost effective: DO is definitely more affordable than AWS. The pricing model is pretty predictable in that you will know how much your monthly cost will be. This of course depends on the specification and number of virtual servers you choose.

3. Security: There are different security features built into DO. You need to take advantage of them and ensure utmost security for your account and VMs.

4. Reliability: Digitalocean promises an uptime of 99.99%. This means that your app will have low downtime rate, hence your customers will be able to transact on your site without server downtime interference.

5. Scalability: You can easily scale up or down by increasing or reducing the number of your virtual machines.

6. Support: Digitalocean’s customer service is highly rated and the company offers several different support options, including online support and telephone.

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Video captions

What is DigitalOcean? In simple terms, DigitalOcean is just a server provider. If you need to host your website, whether it’s WordPress, static websites, Django… You can host that on DigitalOcean. Say you’ve built a custom app, you can host that on DigitalOcean.
If you also need Kubernetes, a managed Kubernetes platform where you can just deploy your applications, then you can also use DigitalOcean Kubernetes. All these are available on DigitalOcean.
Once you log in, or you create your account, you will get encountered with the DigitalOcean dashboard.
On the dashboard, you can create the different things; if you need a server you’ll come here under droplet and deploy a server.
that is what DigitalOcean is, you need to host a website, you need to host web applications you need a server to do whatever you need to do. Whether you’re running a streaming server, you can get that on DigitalOcean.
If you also need managed database services so that you don’t have to run your own database server, you can get MySQL Postgres Mongodb managed databases on DigitalOcean.

And there are a lot more features that you get here on DigitalOcean. If you need anything, you can always just look at the documentation. It’s pretty well documented.
$200 credit. If you need $200 credit, you can use my link in the description. Let me just show you the sample. If you go to my link ,my affiliate link let me open this in a new tab Ctrl shift p.
If you go to bizanosa.com/digitalocean you’re going to get a free credit of $200 that you can use to test the platform .so there you go. $200 credit from DigitalOcean to test the platform. If you want to learn how to host WordPress I’m going to give you the easiest and the simplest way of installing and running multiple WordPress websites in the next video so make sure you watch that if you want to learn how you can run WordPress on DigitalOcean. See you in that next video

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