Last updated on October 31st, 2020 at 05:58 am.
This video is a compilation of all the MailChimp course videos into one video.
You can watch the videos individually by :
- Clicking on Watch Next and Watch previous below each post .
2. Go to URL for the page and change the last numbers in the url / or the word ‘full’ .
Each video in a certain course has the same url (link), except for the last digits. The last digits helps to identify which number the video is in the course list.
For video compilations, the last part is the word “full”.
Example in the mailchimp course, the links are as follows:
First video link:
Second video link:
Third video link:
…and so on and so on….
The link of the compilation video is as follows:
The compilation video has all the videos for that particular course compiled into one video file
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