Install VNC viewer Realvnc on Debian Ubuntu [Video]

Install VNC viewer Realvnc on Debian Ubuntu - Also supports Windows and Mac

The Video Transcript is below:

How to Install RealVNC Viewer on Linux

Hi, and welcome to this guide! In this post, let’s see how you can install RealVNC, which is a VNC viewer for Linux, Windows, and I believe Mac as well.

Step 1: Search for RealVNC Viewer

First, go to Google and search for “VNC viewer for Linux.” RealVNC is probably going to be the first result. If it isn’t, just find the link for RealVNC. This is the one that I’m going to use here. However, there are other VNC viewers that you can try.

Step 2: Choose Your Operating System

Once you’re on the RealVNC website, you can see it’s supported for Windows, Mac, and Raspberry Pi. This means you can choose your operating system. Select the version that works for your Linux distribution. If you’re running a Debian-based system, go with the .deb package. If you’re running an RPM-based system like CentOS, you can go with the RPM package, and so on.

I’m choosing the .deb package because I want to install it on Debian. If you use Ubuntu, you’ll also choose the one for Debian, which is the .deb package. Click to download the RealVNC viewer.

Step 3: Install the .deb Package

You’ll see it’s a .deb package, and I usually find the best way to install a .deb package is by using the terminal.

What I Avoid: I don’t want to install other applications that allow me to double-click it and install it. There are Linux applications like that, but I’m not going to use any of them.

What I Do: Open the folder in the terminal. Run the following commands:

sudo apt install ./downloaded deb file

To make things easier, just copy the name. You don’t really have to copy it from the download folder; you can do that from the terminal. Here’s a quick hint: if you want to do something else and you want to abandon the current command that you’re running, you can comment it out and then run it later. When you need it, you’ll just press the up key to get it back and remove the comment.

Run ls to list the files, get your command back, remove the comment, and then copy the name using Ctrl+Shift+C, Ctrl+Shift+V, then press Enter.

If it says the package cannot be found, simply add ./ to let it know that you’re working in the current directory. Let it install, and then you can open it.

Step 4: Open RealVNC Viewer

Once the installation is complete, find and open RealVNC Viewer. I’m using the XFCE desktop, so I find it under the Internet menu. If you’re using GNOME, just figure out where it is or use the search function.

Open VNC Viewer, RealVNC, and first of all, accept the terms. You don’t need to sign in or send anonymous information. If you want to access a server, you’ll need to enter the address right there.

Step 5: Connect to a VNC Server

To log into your server, enter the IP along with your VNC port.


  • IP:
  • VNC Port: 3030

Copy this, open VNC, paste it, and press Enter. If you have a VNC server installed on your server, this IP and port will get you in. You’ll need to enter your password. If you don’t have a VNC server installed, you’ll get an error.

Once you enter your VNC password, you can double-click on it to access it anytime if you choose to save the session.


I hope this helps you. The most important thing here is to cancel the option of creating your account, enter the IP and the port, and then press Enter. Don’t press the sign-in button, just press Enter and enter your RealVNC details like your password.

That’s it for this guide. If you have any questions, feel free to let me know!

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